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What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is weight loss surgery. 犹他健康大学大发娱乐提供两种减肥手术:胃分流术和袖式胃切除术. 这些手术可能有助于改善你的健康,降低你患健康问题的风险. We recommend bariatric surgery if you have a high BMI, and other weight loss methods haven’t worked for you. 

减肥手术需要终生改变生活方式才能取得持久的效果. 大发娱乐的团队大发娱乐您在接受任何减肥手术之前建立控制体重的习惯. We recommend you learn more about our weight management program before you get bariatric surgery. 

Two Types of Bariatric Surgery

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

胃旁路手术使你的胃变小,改变肠道的路径. 这会改变你消化食物的方式,使你吸收更少的卡路里. It also helps you eat less and feel full faster. 

在手术过程中,你的外科医生会在你的胃壁上形成一个小袋子. 然后他们把这个小袋连接到你小肠的中间部分. After surgery, 你吃下的食物会绕过胃的大部分和小肠的第一部分.

  • Surgery length: about 2–2 ½ hours

  • Hospital stay: overnight or up to three days

  • Initial recovery time: about two weeks

  • Full recovery time: up to three months


Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy makes your stomach smaller. After surgery, you will feel full more quickly. 这将意味着你摄入更少的卡路里,从而减轻体重.

你的外科医生会用订书钉把你的胃垂直分开. 他们会切除你胃的大部分,剩下的部分是一个又长又窄的管(袖)。. 与其他减肥手术不同,袖式胃切除术只会改变你的胃大小. It doesn’t reroute your intestines.

  • Surgery length: about 1–2 hours

  • Hospital stay: overnight, return home the next day

  • Initial recovery time: about two weeks

  • Full recovery time: up to three months

Learn More About Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Bariatric Surgery Requirements

减肥手术必须符合一定的质量标准. 专家为那些体重增加严重健康风险的人设计减肥手术. Here’s what it takes to qualify for surgery:

  • Body mass index (BMI)-如果你的身体质量指数在40或更高,你通常有资格. BMI是基于你的体重和身高来衡量你的身体脂肪. 

  • BMI range-如果你的身体质量指数超过35,并伴有相关的健康并发症,你也可能符合资格. Complications may include diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, high lipid levels, sleep apnea, or osteoarthritis. 

  • Health complications一种或多种与体重有关的健康状况会增加你的手术资格. 这是因为手术在减轻体重的同时也要处理医疗风险. 

  • Consultation-医疗保健专业人员确保你准备好进行减肥手术. 它们决定了你是否符合整体健康要求,能否实现长期目标. 

减肥手术可以通过减少或消除糖尿病症状来改善你的健康, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.

Why Choose U of U Health?

大发娱乐的董事会认证的减肥外科医生大发娱乐提供一些最新的治疗方法,并取得了成功的记录. 大发娱乐努力大发娱乐您选择最能让您满意的减肥计划.  

大发娱乐的团队确保您的成功超越外科手术. We collaborate with a wide range of specialists, 所以你在减肥过程中的每一个环节都得到了支持. 大发娱乐是西部山区唯一一个你可以在一个地方接触到所有必要专家的项目:  

  • Bariatric surgeons
  • Advance practice clinicians 
  • Registered dietitians 
  • Exercise physiologists 
  • Sleep specialists
  • Liver specialists
  • Heart specialists
  • Psychologists
  • Registered nurses
  • Medical assistants

University of Utah bariatric surgery services is a Blue Cross Blue Shield distinction + Center. We are also an MBSAQUIP accredited program and an Aetna Institute of Quality for bariatrics. 

这是一条艰难的道路,但这是我为自己做过的最好的事情...I wish I would have done it sooner. 这是我唯一的遗憾,但我没有早点准备好. It was a huge step.
DeAnn Barfus U of U Health bariatric surgery patient

Find a Bariatric Surgeon

How to Start the Bariatric Surgery Process

如果你正在考虑减肥手术,知道如何开始这个过程可能会让你不知所措. We make the process easy as possible. Here are the steps you need to take to get started:

  1. Watch Our Free Patient Seminar

    大发娱乐的研讨会是您减肥手术之旅的第一步. During the seminar, 你会见大发娱乐的减肥手术团队,了解不同的程序. We explain requirements and what to expect.

    The seminar is virtual and available at any time. 研讨会结束后,你必须通过一个小测验才能继续学习.

  1. Complete Forms and Review Your Eligibility

    Our team 在你看完研讨会之后,他们会告诉你下一步该怎么做. 你要填一份表格,健康评估,和药物使用协议. 

    大发娱乐也会确保你符合手术的要求. 如果你不符合手术条件,医学体重管理可能对你更有效. 

  1. Get Approved for Surgery by Your Insurance

    如果你的保险包括手术,大发娱乐会寄给你一份预约表格. 如果你没有保险或者你的保险不包括手术,大发娱乐会给你发送自付信息. We provide all pricing information up front.  

  1. Schedule Your First Appointment

    You’re ready to begin the bariatric surgery program. 你的第一次预约将是与你的外科医生、营养师和运动生理学家. 

Hear From Our Surgeons

Dr. jenwood Chen与Studio 5的Brooke Walker讨论了如何在uu of U Health获得减肥手术的批准.

Dr. Anna Ible, a bariatric surgeon, 解释了谁有资格做减肥手术,以及为什么犹他大学健康中心要进行全面的评估, personalized approach to patient care.

Meet Our Patients


“这是一条艰难的道路,但这是我为自己做过的最好的事情.这是迪安·巴弗斯(DeAnn Barfuss)描述她两年前决定接受胃旁路手术后开始的情感减肥之旅.

Hear From Our Specialists