


犹他大学教授 Vahe B和arian埃里克·W. 施密特 和 詹妮弗年代. Shumaker-Parry are among the 506 newly-elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as a Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.

AAAS members have been awarded this honor because of their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications. 目前在美国的其他研究员包括南希·宋格, 教育学院院长, Thure方面, 2022年罗森布拉特奖获得者和马里奥·卡佩基, 2007年诺贝尔奖得主. The U’s first Fellow was geologist 和 former university president James Talmage, elected in 1906.

New Fellows will be presented with a gold 和 blue (representing science 和 engineering, 分别)玫瑰胸针和2023年春天在华盛顿聚会, D.C. 获奖者名单也将在AAAS新闻中公布 & 2023年2月《大发娱乐》杂志的注释部分.

Vahe B和arian

Vahe B和arian

B和arian, 化学教授 和 associate dean for student affairs in the College of Science, was elected for “discoveries in the field of tRNA modifications 和 key contribution to mechanistic basis of radical-mediated transformations leading to complex natural products.”


B和arian’s lab studies how bacterial enzymes participate in producing natural chemical products, including many products that aren’t required for the bacteria to grow, but can provide a competitive advantage in the bacteria’s ecosystem.

“These compounds span a large swath of chemical space 和 include modified bases in RNA, 修饰肽和小分子,他说. “Our overall goal is to discover 和 underst和 the details of these enzymatic transformations.”

超越对自然过程的研究, 班达里安对生物合成过程也很感兴趣, 包括这些酶, can be used to produce designed compounds that could have therapeutic properties.

埃里克·W. 施密特

埃里克·W. 施密特

施密特, 药物化学教授, was elected an AAAS Fellow for “defining how animals 和 their symbiotic microbes make bioactive natural products 和 applying those principles to synthetic biology 和 drug design.”

“I’m honored 和 feel deeply grateful to my scientific community 和 to the many students, 的同事们, 以及我多年来的合作伙伴,施密特说. “University of Utah has long promoted a sense of working together to achieve greater aims, 我很感激能成为这项使命的一部分.”

施密特’s research focuses on how marine animals 和 their symbiotic microbes make potent chemical compounds that can potentially be used as treatments for pain, 感染, 或者其他疾病.

最近, 例如, 施密特 和 his 的同事们 discovered how the microbiome of marine animals produce antibiotics that might find use in drug-resistant 感染.

“Dr. 施密特’s group is uncovering the molecular processes by which various marine animals produce drug-like compounds,兰德尔·彼得森说。, 药学院院长. “Designation as an AAAS Fellow is a great honor, 和 I am delighted Dr. 施密特’s important contributions are being recognized in this way.” 

詹妮弗年代. Shumaker-Parry

詹妮弗年代. Shumaker-Parry

Shumaker-Parry, 化学教授, was elected for “significant contributions to the design 和 study of plasmonic nanomaterials, 促进科学融合型研究生教育, 业务, 为广泛和多样化的职业道路进行沟通.”

“It’s an honor to have been nominated 和 selected to be an AAAS Fellow,她说。.

“The nomination also highlights the importance of all aspects of training the next generation of scientists including mentoring students through teaching relevant classes, 合作研究, 给他们大发娱乐提供建议和支持.”

Her research group studies how light interacts with metal nanoparticles.

“At the nanoscale, metal particles don’t behave like bulk materials,她说。. ”而不是, the optical behavior of metal nanomaterials can be tuned by controlling the size, 纳米颗粒的形状或组合.”

Learning how to fine-tune the interactions between light 和 nanoparticles by manipulating the properties of the nanomaterials can aid the design of systems to transfer information using light 和 monitors of human 和 environmental health.

Shumaker-Parry is the director of the Biotechnology track of the U’s Professional Master of Science 和 Technology program, which “provide(s) professional scientists an opportunity to earn a graduate science or math degree that increases their core scientific knowledge 和 quantitative skills,,根据程序描述.

“I have learned so much from advising 和 teaching students who bring their work experiences 和 unique perspectives to the program,她说。. “他们中的大多数都是全职或兼职工作, so they add a lot of industry-based scenarios to classroom discussions. My role is to help the students create a path through the program that aligns with their career goals.”

“我很高兴看到克林顿博士的选举. B和arian,博士. 施密特和博士. Shumaker-Parry as AAAS Fellows,” says Peter Trapa, dean of the College of Science. “This recognition demonstrates their lasting contributions to their disciplines, 以及它们对未来科学家的影响. The University of Utah is a national leader in scientific research 和 education, 大发娱乐的三位新研究员体现了这种领导力.”

美国科学促进会成员的传统始于1874年. 目前, members can be considered for the rank of Fellow if nominated by the steering groups of the Association’s 24 sections, or by any three Fellows who are current AAAS members (so long as two of the three sponsors are not affiliated with the nominee’s institution), 或由美国科学促进会首席执行官负责. Fellows must have been continuous members of AAAS for four years by the end of the calendar year in which they are elected. AAAS Fellow’s lifetime honor comes with an expectation that recipients maintain the highest st和ards of professional ethics 和 scientific integrity.

Each steering group reviews the nominations of individuals within its respective section 和 a final list is forwarded to the AAAS Council, 谁在总名单上投票.
