
你正在听的是 健康图书馆:



锻炼对身心健康都有好处. But being mentally healthy is much more complicated than having a good diet and getting plenty of physical activity. Dr. Jason Hunziker谈到了为什么拥有健康的心态很重要. 他还为拥有健康的大脑和美好的人生观大发娱乐提供了一些建议.


面试官: 快乐的生活方式大有裨益. What are some of the steps you can take to promote and protect your mental health? 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》节目的内容.

播音员: Medical news and research from University Utah Physicians and Specialists you can use for happier, 健康的生活. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 大发娱乐正在和Dr. 来自犹他大学的Jason Hunziker说. Dr. Hunziker, first of all what is mental health and why should I even be paying attention to it?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: Mental health and mental well being is something that I think we all take for granted and think it's just going to happen, 但事实并非如此. I think mental health and mental well being is how you feel about yourself every day and how you look at the world and how you feel the world looks at you. 所以每天都解决这个问题很重要, to do certain things to kind of help yourself continue to enjoy the life that you have and attain those goals that you've set for yourself.

面试官: 什么事情会影响我的心情和情绪, because I'm just going to wake up and think it's going to be a good day and I'm going to be happy and things don't go well and you get upset? 最终什么会影响你的情绪?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 几乎所有的事情都会影响你的心情. Unfortunately in our environment and in our society today we have created things that we had hoped would help our lives be easier and better and move along quicker, but at the same time what we're finding out is that it causes a lot of disconnect between people. 大发娱乐不像以前那样说话了,因为大发娱乐不需要说话. Instead of calling on the phone anymore to talk with somebody we just send them a text message, or instead of writing a nice letter to somebody we just send them a quick email. 诸如此类, that disconnection from people is one way that we see the destruction of people's well being and good outlook.

面试官: 所以与周围人的联系绝对是其中之一. How about my diet; does that affect anything?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 显然你的饮食真的很重要.

面试官: 不仅仅是我的身体状态,还有我的精神状态.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 肯定. 如果你吃得不健康, 大发娱乐倾向于做什么, 我将再次回到社会以及大发娱乐如何发展得如此之快. We don't take the time to eat breakfast, because, oh we'll just swing by McDonalds...

面试官: 或者干脆抓根香蕉.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: ...吃个麦松饼什么的. 然后下一餐也是快餐, and pretty soon what we've done is we've added all these empty calories that aren't available for your body to use. 从长远来看,大发娱乐最终会伤害自己.

面试官: 说出来就这么简单吗, 饮食要健康, 还是说我应该找一些特定的食物, 好吧, 这能让我的大脑开心起来.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: I think that the way that they have set up the calories and the nutrition that they think is good for us in this country I think is a fairly good way to look at that. If we're eating carbohydrates and fats and protein with every meal, I think we're going to be 好吧.

面试官: 良好的平衡.

Dr. ·亨泽尔:大发娱乐需要一个很好的平衡, 这就是大发娱乐的问题, because I would rather have three donuts in the morning than a good sensible breakfast.

面试官: 但你不能这么做.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: No we can't; otherwise that changes a whole bunch of things in your life. 除了良好的饮食,我认为还有一个锻炼计划. And what I mean by that is I don't think you need to be at the gym three or four times a week. But I think what you need to do is make sure you're getting physical activity of some type every day.
大发娱乐的大部分工作似乎都是坐着完成的. We don't spend a lot of time moving around from one place to the next because we have everything we need right in front of us. So parking a long way away from the door to your office and walking in is helpful. 尽量走楼梯是有大发娱乐的. 有些人在腰带上别着计步器,他们跑10步,每天走5000步,以确保他们得到某种形式的锻炼.

面试官: 人们总是说谈论自己的感受是件好事. 说出我的感受有多好?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 我觉得谈谈你的感受很好.

面试官: 但是你和谁谈论它们呢?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 我想这取决于你. I think you want to find somebody who you trust and who you feel like will listen to your feelings and then help you deal with those issues. 如果他是你的另一半那就更好了, because opening up communication between partners is another way to enhance your well being. 但如果这没有用的话, there are therapists out there that are there for you to help you discuss those things that you need help with so that you can keep your mental health elevated. You don't have to wait to be severely depressed or severely anxious or to have marital problems or financial problems to go see a therapist.

面试官: 在和你谈话的时候,我才意识到我的心理健康状况很糟糕. 我的饮食不健康,也不善于与人沟通. 我没有保持联系. I don't do all these things that you should be doing to keep a well balanced mental health. 有什么建议可以改善这一点呢?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 把注意力集中在你认为对你伤害最大的一件事上, 然后先做些改变. Start by eating breakfast every morning and maybe set something out the night before so it's already to go. Maybe take a healthy meal with you to work so that you don't end up just running and grabbing something.

面试官: 在肚子上放点东西.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 没错,或者干脆什么都不吃. And then make that change first and then move on to your next thing that you want to do to help you feel better.

面试官: What are the three things that you think are most essential to a healthy mental well being?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是个好问题. 我不知道是否只有三件事, but I would say that the things we have talked about; I think if you want to stay healthy we have to take care of your physical body, 你的思想, 并确保一切都在一起工作. A healthy diet is going to go a long way to improve your mental health as well as your physical health. 这将大发娱乐你到达你需要到达的地方. 锻炼总是增加你自我感觉的一种方式, 还有你身边的人, 这会大发娱乐你提高. 获得良好的睡眠非常重要, 因为如果你没有良好的睡眠,你将无法正常工作.

面试官: What is a good amount of sleep, because I feel like it's different for everybody. 我每晚只睡两个小时,我想这并不好.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 不,如果你需要什么,大发娱乐有药. 是的,两小时的睡眠是不健康的. There are going to be problems if you continue to function on two hours of sleep. I think you're right; there are some variations in what people do need for sleep, but for the most part it is recommended that a good healthy eight hours of sleep a night is a way to keep yourself moving forward and being healthy. You should try to do things on a schedule so that you go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time and have a nice routine that you go through so that you can then promote a more healthy well being.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 这是Scope. 犹他大学健康科学电台.