The Myth – and Fact – of Hollywood's "Multiple Personality Disorder"

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The Myth – and Fact – of Hollywood's "Multiple Personality Disorder"


Depicted in books and movies as split personalities, Dissociative Identity Disorder is a complex defense mechanism for severe trauma. 精神病学家杰森·亨泽尔比较了试图解释这种奇怪疾病的不同理论. Dr. Hunziker talks the intersection of Hollywood and the science of the human mind, how we portray mental illness and what we actually know.


面试官: 好莱坞一直在他们的节目和电影中使用迷人的禁忌,这就是为什么精神疾病一直是如此重要的主题. But what do you really know about them? That's next on 范围.

播音员: 来自犹他大学内科医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to 范围.

面试官: We're talking today with Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔, 他是犹他大学的精神病学家,研究好莱坞和精神疾病, 在电影和电视节目中. One that pops into my head is the film Sybil, 这是一个真实的案例,摘自一本以真实病人为原型的书.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 是的,解离性身份障碍或者当时被称为多重人格障碍.

面试官: 就像西比尔那样.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 完全. 这是电影中最常见的精神疾病之一,因为人们对这种疾病知之甚少. But it also plays on all of our kind of fantasies and fascinations, and our interest about what the brain can do and how fragile it really can be.

面试官: So what exactly is Hollywood's definition of dissociative identity disorder?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: The way films look at it is a way that I think it was described early on, which is somebody who has suffered from a very bad trauma, usually some type of sexual trauma, 当他们年轻的时候, that may or may not have been repeated over and over again, that somehow fractures their brain.

面试官: What does fracture your brain mean?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这意味着大脑是如此强大,它会尽其所能保护人体免受一些外部来源的侵害,这些外部来源是如此强大,以至于感觉你可能会死于这种暴露. 所以大脑会自我分离,让你通过把你的意识转移到其他地方来保护它,而你的身体则留在那里处理创伤.

面试官: So it's kind of like you have multiple views.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 完全, and that's where this came from. While you're gone somebody else is interacting with the people around, 人们会形成这些不同的性格来应对生活中不同的压力源. And so Hollywood, of course, jumped all over that. 多棒的故事啊, 你的身体里住着各种各样的人,当你去杂货店的时候,你可以是吉尔, and when you go to the carwash you're Bobbie, 当你在家和妈妈在一起的时候,你就像一个三岁的小女孩一样害怕. So Hollywood loves that stuff. But that's not the reality of what this illness really is.

面试官: Reality then; what have you seen in your studies and patients' cases?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: There is so much controversy, even in the mental health industry about dissociative identity disorder. 有些人几乎对好莱坞版的这样子深信不疑. 还有一些人说,人们显然使用分离来大发娱乐保护自己, and that's kind of where I fall in line. I think that people use that mechanism to get out of a stressful situation, 然后他们有不同的人格风格在他们不存在的时候与你互动.
So when patients that I've seen, and that's generally what I've seen, 当他们受到压力时,他们会回到分离状态来保护自己吗, and they literally are not the same person. I talk to them, and they don't respond as quickly. They respond differently. But they are not Bobbie or Johnny, or Cindy; they don't have a name to it. 这只是他们个性的一部分,在完成工作的同时,另一部分受到保护,远离压力.

面试官: This sounds to me, and correct me if I'm wrong, but kind of like a PTSD.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 就像创伤后应激障碍. 我认为大发娱乐现在看到的越来越多,而且我认为精神分裂变得越来越突出,因为大发娱乐的士兵回家了,他们与闪回和妄想症作斗争, and depression and anger. 所有这些, 当他们进入一种类似于他们在中东所经历的经历时, they shut down and disappear, 他们试图通过让他们的大脑漫游到其他地方来减轻压力.

面试官: But it's not exactly like having multiple personalities, and that's what the illness was called back then.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是正确的. 一次又一次, 是很困难的, because there are two different camps on this, and there will be arguments that there are distinct personalities, and those distinct personalities need to all be reintegrated into one person, so the person can be whole again. 但这不是我的临床经验当我遇到有这种诊断的人或者带着这种诊断来找我的时候. That's not what I have seen.

面试官: When someone comes to you and they tell you, I have multiple personalities, 正如你之前提到的,你的一些病人告诉你他们有多重人格, are they aware then that they have multiple personalities?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 再一次。, that's where the controversy is, too. If they really are not present with the other personalities, 很难知道为什么他们知道他们有很多人,他们是谁,他们的名字是什么,他们在做什么.

面试官: 正确的.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 但是他们会的, and I do have patients who tell me they have multiple personalities, and they'll have four or five or ten, and they have names for all of them. 有些病人经历了重新融入社会的过程,所以他们觉得一切都在控制之中,他们所有的个性都融合在一起了. Others say they're still struggling with that. But the importance is when they tell me that, what I understand is they are extremely distressed, 不管这种压力是什么,都会导致他们的大脑无法以健康的方式运作. And so we focus more on that, and not so much on each individual personality.

面试官: Because you really don't know how many personalities they might have.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是正确的, 说起来容易些, 大发娱乐想留住你, 真实的你, here with us dealing with everyday life, 大发娱乐不希望你继续使用拐杖或这种分离的防御机制离开然后不处理大发娱乐真正需要处理的问题.

面试官: How do you develop something like this? 它太迷人了,就像你说的,在电影和生活的很多领域都有争议?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 很难知道这是如何发展的,大发娱乐确实看到了精神分裂患者的模式,这是他们疾病的一个主要特征. And that pattern generally is the trauma. 当你认为你的生命受到威胁时,某种极端的创伤会促进这种类型的防御.

面试官: It's almost like you're protecting yourself.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: Yes, from experiencing what's going on, because it's too overwhelming. 因为当你年轻的时候,大发娱乐一直在使用这些类型的防御机制. I mean, we all use dissociation...

面试官: We play house or doctor.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 完全, 大发娱乐消失在, and you'll hear your mom say, well you used to disappear into this different world. Well you did, and that works for us when we're kids. But when we're adults disappearing doesn't work as well. But when you get a trauma, particularly at that age, 当你陷入困境时,这种防御机制就会成为你在以后的生活中使用的突出的防御机制当它不再起作用时,你就会消失,然后进入你的...

面试官: 快乐的地方.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: Your happy place, exactly. 相反,你没有和周围的人在一起,当你和他们互动时,情况就不同了, 它是奇怪的.

面试官: Any final thoughts on this?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 再一次。, I'm glad that Hollywood brings awareness to mental illness, 但我认为大发娱乐必须记住好莱坞倾向于过度概括和/或过于极端,把精神疾病放在首位,他们描述的一些症状是不准确的. 但如果你的家庭成员一直在挣扎于走神或不在身边, or forgetful and don't remember doing certain things, 这可能是让他们去看医生并进行评估的时候了,以确保他们没有经历分离.

Dr. 米勒: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围; University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.