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Got Kids? Got Coughs. Viruses Thrive in Big Families

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Got Kids? Got Coughs. Viruses Thrive in Big Families

Aug 04, 2015

It’s no secret that kids get sick- a lot, 但犹他大学医学院的一项研究表明,它们也是其他家庭成员感染病毒的来源. 无子女家庭的人在一年中有3-4周感染引起感冒和流感的病毒. 相比之下,有6个孩子的家庭被感染的时间长达45周,占全年的87%. Dr. Carrie Byington, 儿科学教授、犹他州临床和转化科学中心联合主任谈到了这些发现,以及它们对家庭和医生的意义. The results were published in Clinical Infectious Diseases. Learn More about the study.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: The bigger the family, the more likely they are to get sick. More about that next on The Scope.

Announcer: 检查最新的研究,告诉你最新的突破. The Science and Research Show is on the Scope.

Interviewer: I'm talking to Dr. Carrie Byington, 犹他大学儿科学教授,犹他临床与转化科学中心联合主任. You and your team have published a study in the journal, “临床传染病”监测家庭或住户感染病毒的频率. Some of your findings are really striking.

Dr. Byington: 大发娱乐很高兴能发表大发娱乐的研究结果,大发娱乐称之为“大爱研究”, 哪个代表更好的细菌鉴定-纵向病毒流行病学研究. 大发娱乐发现,独居的人在一年中有三到四周的时间在鼻子里检测到病毒. 当大发娱乐研究有六个孩子的家庭时, a virus was detected in the house 87% of the weeks. Almost the entire year

Interviewer: Oh, my gosh.

Dr. Byington:
someone had a virus in the household. So as a pediatrician, 这对我有很大的大发娱乐,能够与前来的家庭交谈,他们说, "Someone's always sick in the household." And in fact, that's true.

Interviewer: There it is.

Dr. Byington: And it's probably fairly normal. 这有助于大发娱乐在实践中让家庭放心, 他们看到的是正常的还是他们的孩子感染了比他们应该感染的更多? And that's a common question I get as a pediatrician.

Interviewer: 家庭中每增加一个孩子,这个家庭感染病毒的数量就会增加?

Dr. Byington: Having one child changes your risks quite a bit as a household. 家里有病毒的几率从7%下降到三分之一, you'll have virus in the household. But, for those families that have two, three, or four children, the risk of virus was fairly constant within the household, about 50% of the weeks. After you passed the threshold of four children, so families with five and six children, we saw another sharp increase in the number of viruses.

Interviewer: 孩子们也会把病毒带入家庭?

Dr. Byington: 在许多情况下,是的,看起来是孩子带来了病毒. And especially the very young child. 我认为,对于那些有五岁以下孩子的父母来说,他们通常会感染一种病毒,这并不奇怪. 大发娱乐发现,在大发娱乐的小组中,五岁以下的孩子一周有50%的时间鼻子里有病毒. One out of every two weeks, they had a virus in their nose.

对我来说,作为一名儿科医生和调查员,这是非常非常有趣的. On the one hand, 我想找到防止人们生病和阻断传播的方法, like giving them the flu vaccine to protect them. But on the other hand, 我很想知道在大发娱乐生命中的特定时间感染某些病毒是否有好处. And I think that that's something

Interviewer: Oh, interesting.

Dr. Byington:
大发娱乐可以用收集到的数据进行探索. 在传染病领域,大发娱乐越来越多地了解到大发娱乐体内的微生物群和细菌,它们可能对大发娱乐有益. And I think we're also going to be learning about the virome, about the virus that we have and carry. 这些病毒是如何与微生物群中的细菌相互作用的? How do they interact with our own immune system?

Interviewer: So being infected with virus as a child might be a good thing?

Dr. Byington: Yes, in many cases, I think it can be a good thing. 如果你愿意的话,它通常可以作为一种免疫,来保护你. 但我认为大发娱乐还不知道哪种病毒和哪种顺序是重要的. 这就是这些研究将开始大发娱乐大发娱乐做的事情.

Interviewer: 当不方便让孩子在家上学之类的事情发生时,也很难说服家长.

Dr. Byington: Absolutely. And we need to try to understand how often that's going to happen. And I would say for parents of young children, 他们可以放心,他们每年会有六到七种病毒性呼吸道疾病, their children will have those, and that's quite normal. 作为父母,他们也会分享一些病毒性疾病.

Interviewer: 那么有孩子的父母,他们比其他没有孩子的成年人更容易生病吗?

Dr. Byington: Yes. We did find that in our study. And we found an interesting age breakdown. So parents of younger children, so those in the ages of 18 to 39, 与40岁以上的年长父母相比,他们感染病毒的可能性几乎是前者的两倍. So again, 年轻的父母可能通过他们年幼的孩子接触到更多, 但也许在这段时间里,他们也产生了更好的免疫力,当他们超过40岁时,这种免疫力可以保护他们. So it's interesting.

Interviewer: Yeah, very interesting. What can we do with this information? 家庭可以用这些信息做些什么?医疗保健大发娱乐提供者可以做些什么?

Dr. Byington: Well, 我认为这些信息对家庭和医疗服务大发娱乐提供者的真正作用是告诉他们什么是正常的, what is the baseline for normal. 什么时候我应该放松,说这就是我在孩子生命的头两三年里必须经历的,什么时候我应该更担心? 它还大发娱乐大发娱乐了解哪些病毒真的与轻微疾病有关,哪些病毒可能经常导致需要医疗护理. And so, as a clinician, as a pediatrician, 这有助于我判断哪些病毒是真正重要的,疫苗应该关注哪些病毒,以防止更严重的后果.

Announcer: Interesting, informative and all in the name of better health. This is The Scope Health Sciences Radio.