Young Adults With Autism May Be More Likely to Succeed if Parents Have High Expectations

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Young Adults With Autism May Be More Likely to Succeed if Parents Have High Expectations


当自闭症青少年的父母有很高的期望, 他们更有可能拥有独立生活所需的技能, 发表在《大发娱乐》上的一项研究报告. 对自闭症患者来说,过渡到成年是很困难的. 突然, 补贴的教育和社会支持消失了, 他们和他们的家人只能靠自己. “许多人把那段时期描述为‘跌落悬崖’,”他说 安妮·柯比, Ph.犹他大学职业治疗助理教授. She explains her search for factors that predict who will succeed on their own as adults, 以及父母的期望如何影响孩子的结果.


面试官: 提高患有自闭症的年轻人的潜力,下一期《大发娱乐》节目

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面试官: 我正在和医生谈话. 安妮·柯比, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at the University of Utah. 医生柯比, you've published research that suggests that how well people with autism perform in life depends a lot on their parents. 你能解释一下你的意思吗?

Dr. 科比: We found that parent's expectations are what we call mediating outcomes for adults with autism. What those parents say they expect after high school ends up usually playing out.

面试官: 你看重的是哪些行为或成就?

Dr. 科比: So three main areas that I'm interested in and that have been explored a good deal in the literature are employment after high school, 高中毕业后的生活安排, so whether they're still living at home with their parents or other family members or if they're living with roommates or independently or with a spouse. 最后, 社会参与, 也就是他们以社交方式与朋友互动的频率.

面试官: So you found basically a link between parents who have higher expectations for their kids, 这些孩子在这个年龄段往往表现得更好. 你是怎么看的?

Dr. 科比: We don't exactly know whether parents are just doing a really good job of determining what their child is capable or of if their expectations are actually driving what ends up happening. 但这是他们如何驾驶的一个例子, 发生的是, 例如, a parent that doesn't think that their child is going to be able to be employed after high school is most likely not going to be encouraging their child to get a part-time job while in high school or find summer employment, 参加社区的志愿者工作, or take on other roles in the household and community that might be helping them build skills for later employment. And then, that would then turn into not having those skills later in life to be employed.

面试官: They might not realize the potential of their child if they don't put them in situations where they look and see what they can do.

Dr. 科比: 正确的,准确.

面试官: Could it also be that if a parent expects more from their child that then the child sort of believes in themselves and tries to accomplish more.

Dr. 科比: 当然, and there are some theories that suggest that not only what parents expect but what someone expects of themselves, 哪些会受到父母期望的影响, 能带来很大的不同吗.

面试官: 我也在想,父母的背景对这一切有多大影响. 如果有人生活在贫困之中, they might just have other things on their mind and may not have the time or ability to put these kids in different situations, 比如志愿者工作, 如你所说, 或者类似的事情.

Dr. 科比: 当然, and so we did find that parents from a lower income background have lower expectations for their children and their children are having these less ideal outcomes that we studied. And I think the example you just gave is right on point in the fact that those families might have a lot more that they're dealing with and might not have the same resources to devote to helping build those skills.

But the other thing I've thought a lot about is that you can imagine a parent who's been struggling to be employed themselves would be less likely to think that their child with a disability is going to be able to find steady, 如果他们在这方面有问题的话. And so some of it could be resources, but some of it could be perception of possibilities.

面试官: How much of a difference was there between kids whose parents had high expectations and kids whose parents didn't?

Dr. 科比: So I think it's really important to mention that despite the fact that I'm saying high expectations lead to better outcomes, 结果非常糟糕. 非常, 非常 few people with autism in this national sample of over 1000 people with autism had employment of any kind at the end of this eight-year study. 这段时间他们都是20多岁. 类似的, 非常, 他们中很少有人独立生活,而且非常, 他们中很少有人与同龄人或朋友交往.

面试官: I wonder how much of that, though, is just what is out there for these people to begin with. I mean, I think it's still a 非常 new idea that people with autism can join the workforce.

Dr. 科比: 正确的. And it's been said often that leaving high school for this population is like falling off a cliff. It's something that parents talk about and has been written about in the literature and popular news type articles. It's kind of repeatedly referred to as this cliff because they no longer have somewhere to go e非常 day where they know what's expected of them. 对他们来说,高中毕业后的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化, 服务正在完全消失. 所以它们可能存在. 职业康复中心就在那里,可以大发娱乐提供大发娱乐, but often families find themselves on wait lists for extremely long periods of time.

面试官: 那么你是如何跟进这些结果的呢? 你接下来要做什么?

Dr. 科比: So what I really want to know now is if we could make a meaningful change in what parents expect for their children and if that could then make a positive difference in outcomes for people with autism. 如果这是可能的, 那么它真的可能是一个非常重要的干预目标, to not only focus only on intervening directly on children with autism and trying to give them work skills through groups and programs, but to work with families to really make a difference and how families are structuring what they do throughout the high school years to really prepare for life after high school.

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