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My Pregnancy is Making Me Clumsy – Am I Normal?

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My Pregnancy is Making Me Clumsy – Am I Normal?

Jun 16, 2016

一些女性描述自己在怀孕期间感到极度不平衡,更容易掉东西, especially in the last trimester. 大多数女性在怀孕期间体重会增加30磅 Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones compares the weight gain to wearing a backpack on your waist. It’s going to be hard to balance. Dr. Jones talks about how weight gain, as well as other changes in the body, can make you a little clumsier during pregnancy.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: You're clumsy but you're also pregnant. Do these things go together? We'll find out next on The Scope.

Announcer: 每个女人都想知道自己的健康、身体和思想. This is "Am I Normal?" on The Scope.

Interviewer: We're talking with Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones. She is the expert on all things women. Dr. Jones, 我收到了很多来自怀孕观众的电子邮件,她们抱怨说自己感觉不平衡, kind of clumsy. 我以前从未怀孕过,所以我不知道这是否正常,我想问你.

Dr. Jones: 如果你之前怀孕过我想你可能会理解. So let's divide it up and talk about what is clumsy. 笨手笨脚的意思是你被绊倒了吗?

Interviewer: I think it's maybe like . . .

Dr. Jones: 是不知道自己的身体在哪里,还是笨拙意味着掉东西? So first of all, when you're pregnant and you put about 25 lbs in your front, 这就像在腰上背了一个背包,事实上,它确实重新分配了重心,你的身体不再像你习惯的那样. So a lot of balance is having to know where your body is, 但突然之间,你的身体在前面,而不是在后面. 臀大肌和腿筋都很强壮的女性, all of a sudden you not only have a belly out front, but you have breasts out front.

当你处于平衡中心的时候,这一点尤为重要. 所以建议女性在妊娠晚期不要滑雪.

Interviewer: Okay, that sounds kind of dangerous.

Dr. Jones: 是的,人们想滑雪,他们说:“哦,我以前从来没有摔倒过." Well you've never been pregnant this much before. So skiing at an altitude, 当然,大发娱乐总是担心,因为人们总是来自海平面,他们在妊娠中期,他们在8点滑雪,000, 9,000 feet can get a little hypoxic and dizzy. But falling on your belly is a problem. 这是一个真正的问题,因为如果你腹部着地,你可以把胎盘从子宫壁上剪下来,这样你就会有一种叫做早剥的东西.

So first of all you're putting about 15, 20 lbs where it's not supposed to be in your belly, 你在胸部前加了几磅然后你重新分配了10或15磅的水和其他东西, 大发娱乐是30磅在你没有预料到的地方.

Interviewer: Is that normal? To gain about . . . What's the average?

Dr. Jones: Thirty lbs.

Interviewer: Thirty lbs, okay.

Dr. Jones: Yes, that's recommended, somewhere between 25 and 30 lbs. 想象一下,在短时间内,也就是9个月,在过去的6个月里, 突然间,你在不习惯的分布中重了30磅.

There are some other things about your balance. 平衡还与你的脚和脚踝的本体感觉有关. What's proprioception? 这是你判断自己是否平衡的能力. 在怀孕的最后三个月,你的脚会肿起来,你会穿平时不穿的鞋. 事实上,你会看到很多怀孕的女人在冬天穿人字拖,因为她们肿起来的小脚穿不上别的衣服.

Interviewer: Right, yeah I have seen that.

Dr. Jones: 所以他们可能会被人字拖绊倒,因为人字拖并不总是适合你的脚, they kind of hang out in front, you're not used to wearing them. 所以你不仅感觉不太好,因为你的脚很肿,有时真的很肿, 但是你穿的鞋子可能并不完全适合你,而且你已经习惯了.

The third thing is a little less common but notable, and that is when you're pregnant, particularly in the second and third trimester, the cornea, 或者前面眼球的形状倾向于得到更多的水. 所以对于戴眼镜的人尤其是戴隐形眼镜的人来说, they may not see as well. 所以当你走路的时候,你可能看不见路缘.

So if you're already struggling with your eyes, 你摘了隐形眼镜,不戴是因为不舒服,或者你怀孕的时候看不清楚, that gives you another risk for fall.

Interviewer: 所以大发娱乐谈到了不平衡或缺乏平衡,但一开始大发娱乐也提到了笨拙. 她们拿着东西,然后掉在地上,这就是怀孕的一部分?

Dr. Jones: Well it can be. So remember we talked about feet getting puffy? Well hands get puffy too.

Interview: Oh and that causes them to drop things

Dr. Jones: 所以你感觉不像以前那么好很多女性都得了腕管综合症, 这意味着穿过你手腕的神经为你的手指大发娱乐提供触觉,当你变得更肿时,这些神经会被压缩. 所以腕管综合症不仅会让人不舒服,还会导致麻木. 但是当你感觉不太好因为你的手指浮肿或者你有腕管综合症, you can't always pick things up correctly. Or you don't know how well you're grabbing them.

So what do you do with all this? The good news is pregnancy doesn't last forever. That's the good news.

第二个好消息是,大发娱乐所说的症状通常发生在最后六个月,最严重的是在最后三个月,当你最大、最肿的时候. If you find your feet and hands are getting really, 很浮肿,你的脸很浮肿,你应该和你的医生谈谈,因为有些人在怀孕期间会患高血压,他们会变得很浮肿. And this is may be something we call preeclampsia. 并不是所有浮肿的人都有先兆子痫,但你应该检查一下.

另一件需要注意的事情是,这一天可能不适合骑摩托车、滑雪或玩滑板,因为怀孕期间摔倒对妈妈和胎儿都有风险. So take it easy. 对于那些需要更多平衡的东西,我会更加谨慎.

Announcer: We are your daily dose of health science conversation. This is The Scope, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.