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Horses Can be More Dangerous than Motorcycles

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Horses Can be More Dangerous than Motorcycles

Aug 05, 2016

八月份是犹他州与马有关的伤害报告最多的月份, according to emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen. Additionally, 从马上摔下受伤是导致长期住院的五大原因之一. Dr. 马德森解释了为什么与马有关的伤害特别危险,以及如何保护自己免受伤害.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 当你骑马或和马在一起时,如何确保你是安全的, that's next on The Scope.

Announcer: 这是“来自前线”和急诊室医生. Troy Madsen, on The Scope. On The Scope.

Interviewer: Dr. 特洛伊·马德森(Troy Madsen)是犹他大学医疗保健中心的急诊室医生. I thought it was interesting. Dr. 马德森告诉我,在犹他州,8月份到急诊室就诊的马受伤病例比一个月里的任何时候都要多. 也许是因为集市的缘故,也许是因为竞技比赛的缘故. 但我认为找出常见的马伤是很有趣的,这样人们就可以警惕并防范这类事情. So what is it?

Dr. Madsen: Well, you w you're exactly right. It is something we do see and for whatever reason, maybe more in the month of August, like you said, because of fairs or different events, rodeos, things like that going on. It's interesting; several years ago we actually looked at the causes of more significant trauma in our ER, those people who stayed at least overnight in the hospital, 在犹他大学,马在该名单中名列前五. So kind of interesting.

Interviewer: Wow, I never would have guessed that. 我本以为外面还有很多更危险的东西,但是 . . .

Dr. Madsen: Exactly.

Interviewer: . . . a horse can be pretty dangerous, apparently.

Dr. Madsen: Horses can. I mean, at least in terms of some of the injuries we see.

Interviewer: Yeah. Doing some serious damage. 所以你会看到最常见的马伤是什么造成了很大的伤害?

Dr. Madsen: The most common injury would be head injuries. 你可以把它想象成自行车或摩托车. 如果你从马上摔下来,最大的风险是你的头和脊椎. 我认为大发娱乐看到的关于马的最大的事情是人们被从马上摔下来, who come down on their head, who then have a significant head injury. Maybe a skull fracture or lacerations, 头部出血是大发娱乐看到的最严重的症状.

然后他们要么被送到急诊室,因为他们没有反应,要么可能失去意识, they regained consciousness. 大发娱乐对他们进行测试,以确保没有出血或撕裂需要修复,或任何可能因头部受伤而发生的事情.

Interviewer: 听起来,这可能和摩托车或四轮车一样危险,甚至更危险?

Dr. Madsen: You've got to figure the height you're up on a horse. 你可能坐在离地至少4英尺的地方,当你从这个高度摔下来的时候, 这肯定比你从摩托车或四轮车上摔下来要高.

Interviewer: A lot of times, 一辆摩托车可能会侧身而下,这样你就更接近地面了. So when you fall off a horse, it's . . .

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, exactly. And you're 4 feet up and then, if a horse kind of rears up and throws you off their back, you're even higher. So you can come off a pretty good height, 不一定是四轮车或摩托车的速度,但仍然, 从摔下来伤到头部的角度来说,肯定有危险. As I mentioned, the other thing too is spine injuries. When we think of head injuries, 大发娱乐也会想到头部被向前推或者受到某种伤害或者有什么东西直接击中了脊柱. And then that can cause some very serious issues as well. So that's the other big thing we see and we look for.

Interviewer: All right. 所以头盔是为了防止头部受伤,尽管它没有牛仔帽那么酷

Dr. Madsen: That's right.

Interviewer: I mean, I guess if you want to be safe. Spine injuries, 如果你骑在马上,你真的能做些什么来保护自己不受伤害吗?

Dr. Madsen: Not a whole lot.

Interviewer: Yeah. That just might be part of the deal.

Dr. Madsen: 是的,实际上有一些人们可以穿的充气背心. I'm not sure exactly how they work, 如果这是一个附着在马鞍上的东西如果一个人被从马背上摔下来这个背心会膨胀并保护这个人. I personally know someone, an older lady, 她从马背上摔下来身上有几处重伤的时候是谁穿着这些马甲, but nothing that was so serious. 她可能真的受益于这个充气背心,保护她.

She swears by it and says it made a big difference for her. 所以我知道这是人们可能知道的东西你也可以用它来保护脊柱保护你的胸部和腹部.

Interviewer: All right. 所以这些听起来像是要过夜的. Are there other injuries that you tend to see horse related?

Dr. Madsen: We see kind of the full spectrum of orthopedic injuries. 胳膊和腿上有擦伤和割伤,前臂骨折的人. 你必须弄清楚,如果你从那个高度下来,你要试着用前臂支撑自己. 你的前臂很有可能会骨折. 脚踝受伤也是很常见的,这取决于你是怎么下来的. You come down on your ankle, your lower leg can snap. So we do see those injuries as well.

Again, those are things, maybe they're an overnight stay, maybe it's something we can repair in the ER. But kind of the full spectrum. Everything we see with motorcycles, with ATVs, with bicycles, 大发娱乐在马身上也能看到所有这些现象,甚至可能因为人摔倒的高度而更加复杂.

Interviewer: Sure. 听起来,建议是戴上头盔,然后治疗马, treat the animal with respect. 我觉得马人很容易就会忘记.

Dr. Madsen: Exactly. You become comfortable with the animal. 你会想,“嗯,这比摩托车或沙滩车更安全.“再一次,这是大发娱乐看到的五大伤病之一. They do happen. It's something to be aware of.

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