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Christmas Day in the ER

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Christmas Day in the ER

Dec 23, 2016

大多数人都不认为急诊室是圣诞假期的快乐场所, but accidents can happen anytime. Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen 在圣诞节那天去急诊室的人通常都有严重的问题. 了解哪些季节性活动通常会使人们进入急诊室, 并获得安全度过圣诞假期的建议.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 哦,钟声在某处叮当作响,圣诞老人在那里. 现在是圣诞节在急诊室里. 特洛伊·马德森正在庆祝节日,忙于工作. 这是《大发娱乐》的特别一集大发娱乐称之为“急诊室的圣诞节”."

Announcer: 这是来自前线的急诊室医生. Troy Madsen on The Scope.

Interviewer: Welcome, Dr. Madsen.

Dr. Madsen: Thank you. I feel like this should be a song. 不是有一首乡村歌曲叫《大发娱乐》吗." Christmas in the ER kind of song.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Madsen: 一首忧郁的歌,你在急诊室工作.

Interviewer: 如果大发娱乐要唱这首歌,大发娱乐会唱什么呢. Madsen? What does Christmas look like in the ER?

Dr. Madsen: 我告诉你,圣诞节早上7点我就要上班了.m. 如果你来急诊室,我会在那里迎接你. 因为所有的孩子都在打开圣诞老人给他们的玩具,我计划早上7点上班.m. Christmas Day. So Christmas in the ER, it's one of those days where, 就像在下雪的时候上夜班一样,我发现如果你在晚上工作,或者在圣诞节工作, basically, if anyone makes it into the ER, 他们通常都有严重的问题.

这不是那种有两年腹痛的人或者手指上有刺的人走进来的那种日子. People put those things off. If people come in the ER on Christmas morning, 你知道这可能是你最好认真对待的事情,因为没有人会在圣诞节离开家或去,除非是他们真正关心的事情.

Interviewer: 所以你知道一些严肃的事情会从门里进来. 圣诞节有什么典型的东西吗?

Dr. Madsen: In terms of typical stuff Christmas Day, once in a while you can, 我知道这听起来有点好笑,但你可以看到一些打开礼物的伤害, and I know that sounds a little silly, but there are.

Interviewer: It does.

Dr. Madsen: 在打开礼物的过程中有一种可能造成撕裂和伤害的东西就是这些蛤壳塑料盒.

Interviewer: Oh, yeah, really?

Dr. Madsen: 是啊,你有没有试过切开那种东西? Like I've done it. 我甚至被它划伤了,因为你把它切开了, 然后你把手伸进去试着撬开它, and those edges it's thick plastic, it can kind of cut into your finger. 我知道这听起来有点傻,但有时你确实会看到人们打开东西时这样做.

Interviewer: Yeah, 我没想到你会用刀打开盒子之类的东西如果你不注意的话 . . .

Dr. Madsen: 对,继续用刀,美工刀之类的东西.

Interviewer: 我不应该这么快就笑,我道歉.

Dr. Madsen: 听起来确实clichÈ这是圣诞节的早晨, 你在拆礼物,你会因此受伤. But occasionally, you do see stuff like that. Later in the day, 有时会吃得过多, 有腹痛或感觉不舒服的人. 再说一遍,也许圣诞节没什么大不了的,但有时你会这样做. But like I said, 今天在急诊室真的是非常缓慢的一天,我现在这么说可能会让我自己倒霉,因为我在圣诞节那天也要工作.

Interviewer: Here, quick, jingle these bells.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, exactly.

Interviewer: 不要敲木头,你可以敲铃铛.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, exactly. But it is a day when people come to the ER, it's usually serious stuff and heart attacks, asthma problems, 也许他们在开车的时候出了车祸, things like that.

Interviewer: 你们在急诊室庆祝圣诞节吗? 有没有圣诞老人的照片或者圣诞卡? I mean, do you decorate?

Dr. Madsen: 圣诞节在急诊室通常会有一些装饰. 我不能说圣诞老人来过急诊室. But usually, 每个人都会带食物来,在急诊室吃顿便饭或便饭, something like that.

Interviewer: That sounds kind of cool. 我想那里有很多同志情谊,当你们都在假期工作时,可能就更有同志情谊了.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, exactly. Like I said, 通常会比较慢,所以你会有更多的时间让大家聚在一起,一起吃东西. 所以并不是每个人都喜欢在圣诞节那天去那里, but like you said, there's a lot of camaraderie there, people there. 大发娱乐在同一条船上,只是一起享受.

Interviewer: What do you bring to the potluck?

Dr. Madsen: What do I bring to the potluck?

Interviewer: 特洛伊·麦德森的圣诞特色菜是什么?

Dr. Madsen: See, 我不太会做饭,所以我带的东西通常都是现成的食物, 通常是一包薯片之类的东西.

Interviewer: Come on.

Dr. Madsen: I'm sorry to admit that but it's the truth. 我不太会做饭,所以通常都是这样.

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