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What to Expect During Your First OB/GYN Exam

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What to Expect During Your First OB/GYN Exam

Feb 15, 2018

It’s on the calendar. It’s coming soon. Your first gynecological exam. 对于一些年轻女性来说,这可能特别容易引起焦虑. Women's health expert Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 指导你完成整个过程的每一步——甚至是可怕的盆腔检查——确保你在第一次检查时做好了准备.

Dr. Jones: 现在你在妇科医生的办公室,这是你的第一次检查. Oh, well, let's talk about that. This is Dr. 来自犹他健康大学妇产科的Kirtly Jones说, and this is The First Exam, on The Scope.

Announcer: Covering all aspects of women's health. This is The Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones on The Scope.

What to Expect at Your First OB/GYN Exam

Dr. Jones: So, what's going to happen at your first visit? 你将有机会见到你的医生、执业护士或私人助理, 谁会问你所关心的问题以及他们如何大发娱乐你. They will ask about your health and medications, your periods, your sexual activity, your alcohol, tobacco and drug use. 

Be Honest About Your Sexual Activities

如果你觉得舒服的话,你最好不和父母一起待在房间里. 当医生询问你的性关系和性活动时,你需要完全诚实,这样他们才能照顾好你. 当然,如果你想有家人陪你,大发娱乐完全支持. Your information is confidential, of course, and if you're given a prescription, your mom may want to know why, 临床医生应该在事后征得你的同意与你的母亲交谈. Of course, 这是你问问题的机会,你可能不舒服问别人. 记住,来自网络或你女朋友的建议可能不是最好的. 一个有经验的临床医生是专业的,他听过很多问题,不会评判你. They want you to have access to good information.

Be Prepared to Give a Urine Sample

临床医生可能会要求你在检查前采集尿样,甚至在你没有做检查的时候. 该样本可用于妊娠、淋病和衣原体检测. 如果你小便时感到疼痛,他们可能会要求你大发娱乐提供尿样. You may need a female exam called a pelvic exam. If you're coming in for birth control, you do not need a pelvic exam, unless you're going to get an IUD, which must be put in your uterus during a pelvic exam. 避孕药、贴片、注射、避孕环和植入物都可以在不进行盆腔检查的情况下大发娱乐提供. 即使是大多数性传播疾病的检查也可以在没有盆腔的情况下进行.

The Pelvic Exam

第一次盆腔检查是第一次检查中最令人焦虑的部分 GYN visit. 临床医生会提前告诉你他们要做什么, 应该向你们展示他们将要使用的仪器吗, and go slowly to try to let you relax. Remember, there may be good reasons for this exam, 但即使你不喜欢,你也能控制整个过程. If you absolutely say no, it will not be done. The pelvic exam is done with your panties off, 人要给你一件外袍和一条被单,盖你的下半身.

临床医生和他们的助理可能会要求你把你的脚放在脚凳上,这样你就可以放松你的腿,让他们检查你的阴道区域. 如果你能放松你的腿,你就能帮你轻松考试, breathe slowly, and relax your abdominal muscles. If necessary, and possible, 他们可能会把一个看起来像长而窄的鸭嘴的仪器放入阴道,这样他们就可以看到问题可能出在哪里. 这种被称为窥镜的仪器有不同的大小, and this clinician can pick a size that's best for you. 润滑剂通常用于使这部分考试更舒适.

Pap Smear

If your problem includes an uncomfortable discharge, 你的临床医生可能会用棉签收集一些阴道分泌液,然后在显微镜下观察. If a Pap smear's 完成后,将用小塑料拭子从您的子宫颈收集一些细胞. 如果你还没有发生过性行为,即使你已经发生过性行为,所有这些都会让你感到不舒服, but it doesn't last long. 在美国,几乎每个女人都在一生中的某个时候做过盆腔检查,而且她们都挺过来了. 如果你有问题需要检查,但你没有性交,阴道口太小, the hymen, to allow the speculum, then often an ultrasound 可以用声波的形式通过你的腹部看到你的子宫吗.

Bimanual Exam

在取出镜后,临床医生可以进行双手检查. 这意味着临床医生左手的一个或两个手指被润滑剂果冻覆盖,然后放在你的阴道里, and the other and will be placed on your lower belly. 然后这个临床医生可以用手触摸子宫和卵巢,看看它们是否增大或疼痛. Occasionally, but not commonly, the clinician will put one finger in your rectum, your bottom to feel for lumps. 这让大多数年轻女性和年长女性感到尴尬, 但如果你放松直肠肌肉——当你感到尴尬时很难做到——这可以很快结束.

After The Exam

检查后会发给你纸巾和毛巾,给你一些私人空间,让你把自己和衣服整理好. Your clinician or your nurse should return, 让你知道他们发现了什么,他们认为发生了什么, and explain some other tests if they need it. 检查后你可能会有轻微的阴道不适或痉挛,但不会持续太久.

对于即将进行第一次妇科检查的年轻女性来说,这一切听起来可能是侵扰或创伤, but the reality is that, it's usually tolerable and done for a good reason. 现在大发娱乐做的常规盆腔检查越来越少了. 大多数避孕方法都不需要盆腔检查. 许多性传播疾病不需要检查就能检测出来. However, in many cases, when there are problems, 盆腔检查是大发娱乐大发娱乐大发娱乐你的重要部分. You'll be fine. And thanks for joining us on The Scope.

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