Acne: Embarrassing But Treatable

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Acne: Embarrassing But Treatable


痤疮对他们来说是一个令人尴尬的话题,但90%的青少年可能会从痤疮治疗中受益. Dr. 辛迪的假面深入探讨了现代痤疮治疗方法,并讨论了治疗三种常见痘痘的注意事项. 从轻微到严重,痤疮不仅是一种成人仪式,也是一种可治疗的疾病.


Dr. 假面: 快到上学时间了,你的孩子可能会对夏天发生的一些变化有一点自我意识, so how do we address the acne issue? 我是博士. 辛迪的假面. Today we're going to talk about acne on 范围.

播音员: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to 范围.

Dr. 假面: We see it a lot; teenagers come in for something else and we notice that they have a lot of acne on their face, and they're kind of embarrassed to talk about it. 他们说,“嗯,”然后大发娱乐问,“你想让我给你一些祛痘的东西吗??他们说:“是的。. 终于有人能帮我了." So what is acne exactly and why do teenagers get them?

好吧, 痤疮是一种皮肤状况,当你皮肤上的油脂腺被堵塞,它们变得发炎或感染, and more than 90% of teenagers have acne. There are a couple different types of acne. You'll have whiteheads, which are the closed, plugged oil heads. You'll have blackheads, which are open, plugged oil glands. The oil turns black when it's exposed to air. Then, some kids will get those red, painful bumps. Those are the pimples that everyone wants to really squeeze hard. Those are the inflamed oil glands. The larger ones can actually become quite painful. Acne usually appears on your face but it can also appear on your neck, 肩膀, 回来, 胸部, so it can be anywhere on the upper part of the body.

但粉刺的原因实际上是由于油脂腺的过度活动和堵塞,而这是由青少年时期激素水平的增加引起的. 因此, that's why you don't see a whole lot of acne until kids become 12, 13, 然后突然荷尔蒙开始分泌,一切都开始失控, 和繁荣, 有粉刺.

Heredity also plays an important role. If you or your spouse had a lot of acne issues, you're going to want to help your teenager out, because they might also have a lot of acne issues.

一些误解. 痤疮不是由饮食引起的. 你不会因为吃太多油炸食品、巧克力或任何其他食物而长粉刺, 虽然这并不意味着你可以尽情享受这些食物. 痤疮也不是由污垢或不经常洗脸引起的. I have a lot of parents that come in and they say, "He just scrubs his face all day and they still get acne." It's because it has nothing to do with dirt. Your child's face is probably super clean.

每个人都想知道,“这个长出来的痘痘会留多久??“新的白头通常在大约4到6周的治疗后停止出现, and you probably need to continue treatment for several years. Acne usually lasts until about 20 or 25. That's because those hormones are still going until that long. But a lot of people worry about scars. 只有深度痤疮,囊性痤疮和刺激程度高的痤疮才会留下疤痕. Most acne does not cause scarring.

Unfortunately there is no cure for acne. There is medicine, though, that will help treat it. 基本的治疗方法是确保每天洗脸两次,并在运动后洗脸,而最重要的洗脸时间实际上是睡前, because you'll be washing off any dirt or makeup or anything, and be sure to use a mild soap. There are a lot of mild soaps out there. Some of them also are targeted for teenagers. 你要确保它是温和的,这样你就不会过度刺激你的皮肤, because the medications to treat acne can be irritating themselves.

Make sure not to pick or squeeze at your acne. 我知道这说起来容易做起来难,但是抠痘痘实际上也会阻止痘痘的愈合. If you squeeze some of the deep cystic acne too much, 你可能会导致皮肤出血和持续的斑点. 事实上,它对你的脸造成的伤害比你不去管它更大.

如果你的女儿化妆,确保她们使用的化妆品标签上写着低过敏性或非粉刺性. 非致痘性只是一个花哨的词,意思是“不会引起或加重痤疮”."

So what about those whiteheads? Those are the classic pimples. The best medicine is actually benzoyl peroxide. 那是在柜台上买的. That's in several different preparations there. Depending on your insurance, it might be covered. 过氧化苯甲酰实际上是一种化学物质,可以大发娱乐打开丘疹和清除黑头. It also will kill the bacteria. It actually helps stop the reproduction of the bacteria.

我通常告诉我的病人的是晚上洗脸,然后晚上在脸上涂上过氧化苯甲酰, 让它留在那里. 让它风干. Then, in the morning, wash it off. 确保你只涂一点点,一天只涂一次. It's because it can be really irritating to the skin. 如果你的皮肤变红或开始脱皮,那就是你用得太多或太频繁了. I usually say do it every other day if you're having that.

现在, 只是要小心, benzoyl peroxide is something that will actually bleach your clothing, 你的地毯, 一切, so make sure that if you're putting it on, it doesn't drip on anything that has color that could be bleached.

In addition to the benzoyl peroxide for the whiteheads, 这些青春痘, 大发娱乐大多数人开的另一种药是克林霉素凝胶. 这实际上是一种抗生素,对痤疮细菌起作用,也就是痤疮原杆菌, and what that does is it actually kills the bacteria. So the benzoyl peroxide will stop the bacteria from making new bacteria, 克林霉素实际上会杀死已经存在的细菌. 实际上已经有一些准备工作将两者结合在一起了, so you're attacking your acne in two different ways.

For the blackheads, you're going to use the exact same thing. You're going to use the benzoyl peroxide. It also helps to open up the oil glands. Some people will use a blackhead extractor, although we usually recommend only somebody who's trained, 就像一个美学家, do that so you don't cause too much damage to your skin.

每个人都担心的是那些红色的大肿块,囊性痤疮. 这些是痤疮细菌感染的地方实际上已经超出了油腺. 它实际上在下面. 一些经常有这些症状的人,他们实际上会得到口服抗生素的处方. 他们非常痛苦,如果他们有很多的话,他们真的会损害你孩子的自尊. 一些皮肤科医生也建议你在这个时候使用全反维生素a酸. 如果你有一个处于生育年龄的女性并且她们在服用全反维生素a酸, 你确实想要讨论一下当时的避孕问题,因为全反维生素a酸, even absorbed through the skin, 会导致出生缺陷. It's usually a medication that's not given quite so readily, but it is something that is very effective for cystic acne.

For acne that is really severe, to the point where none of these other medications are working, we get a dermatologist involved. A lot of people have heard of Accutane. 维甲酸与全反维生素a酸非常相似,只有皮肤科医生才能开处方. 事实上, 他们实际上必须有一个特殊的许可证才能开这种药因为它可能会导致出生缺陷和副作用. 所以,如果你的痤疮没有得到控制,你认为你的孩子可能需要这个, this is actually a last resort medication and again, your child would have to see a dermatologist for that.

很多女孩也会来找我说她们想要避孕因为避孕能大发娱乐祛痘. That's actually a true statement, 尽管大发娱乐大多数人直到女孩年满14岁才会讨论避孕问题, 主要是因为大发娱乐需要让她开始一些青春期的变化. But because of the hormonal influence on acne, 避孕药通常对治疗严重的痤疮很有效. We don't use it for mild acne, just severe.

So acne is sort of a rite of passage for teenagehood. 还记得, benzoyl peroxide is your first step, 如果没有大发娱乐, go see your doctor and they can discuss some of those other options, 最重要的是, 不要挑痘痘.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.